Fullscreen doesn't work properly in the browser version: text can be too small, play the windows version if it bothers you. Don't press the quit option in the browser verion is buggy.

There's a bug when you get to the end of the game, you should see a message that says "Thank you for playing", instead there is nothing at the end, but it is the end of the game.


Font: Silver By poppy Works.

Sound effects: made with BFXR

The rest was made by me.


Space D (Windows).zip 4.2 MB

Development log


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I like the game so far but I seemed to run out of fuel despite killing every enemy. Do I need to spread it out a little?

My guess is that maybe you don't release the button fast enough because you focus on killing the enemies and you neglect fill up the faul meter until is too late. I might be wrong of course, but the few people I have seen play my game would make the same mistake.  Also, the game is just supposed to be hard and it was made for a jam in 3 days, it's beatable, but not too polished, thank you for playing:)

It is really cool! it would be even better if you could shoot by aiming with the mouse, I couldn't get very far, I ran out of gas very quickly even killing every enemy

(1 edit) (+1)

You can play this other game I made where you can aim with the mouse and it's easier and longer: https://jamplay-dev.itch.io/space-colors-beta

This game was not meant to be played with a mouse, and it's extremely short, less than 3 minutes if you don't die, if I made the changes you are suggesting, the game will feel like a generic PC shooter, instead of a classic shoot'em up inspired game.

 Also, I might be wrong, Maybe you aren't actually killing  every enemy nor picking up all the fuel, make sure to release the shoot button in any opportunity you have to recover fuel, even if you are under attack, you can even release it for a microsecond. Btw, there's nothing at the end of the game due to a bug, there is supposed to be messege saying "thanks for playing" and nothing that stops you, so you are always gonna run out of fuel. so IDK if you actually made to the end of the game and didn't realize, sorry xd.  I'm releasing an update to day to fix that. BTW, thanks for playing!!