• You can play it on Steam and wishlist it.
  • The browser version might have some problems like long loading times or not detecting your inputs right away.
  • Gravity Storm is in development. If everything goes well, the full release will be in April if everything goes well.
  • Please report bugs if you find any, and give feedback.


  1. Gamepad and keyboard support. 
  2. Remappable button/ key binding.
  3. In-game tutorial. 
  4. Support for three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. 
  5. Five distinct levels and two bosses.
  6. Score system. 
  7. Options to toggle vibration, screen-shake, tutorial and audio. 


  • You can only change gravity twice before touching the ground, but if you jump first, you can only do it once before touch the ground.
  • Shooting while crouching is very useful to dodge attacks and deal damage.
  • If you are having problems with spikes in the first level, you can jump or dash while holding forward and change gravity in the air, this way you can avoid spikes much easier.
  • Your shots deal double damage if you are close enough to enemies.
  • The enhanced abilities (the ones you can perform by hold shift/left trigger), they  cost power bar, and they aren't required to use, but make the game a bit easier and more fun. 



You can comment your thoughts down here. If you liked the demo consider rating it,  or download it and donating to support the development of the game.


Gravity Storm - First Mission Demo 2 v1.3.1 (windows).zip 50 MB

Install instructions

1. Click "download".

2.  Select the ZIP file ''gravity storm".

3. Extract the File.

4 .Click on the program/application called ''gravity storm".

If you need any help or the game doesn't work, let me know.

Development log

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Just played the game for a bit, I thought it overall pretty cool and I enjoyed it. I have some questions / advice though, first off I'm wondering why you can't dash midair after jumping or switching gravity, it seems weird. The controls can also be a bit confusing at times. I even think you could remove some of them like jump for example, like I feel like jumping really doesn't serve much of a purpose if you can just switch gravity. Overall I thought the puzzle / shooter concept was pretty cool and I had fun playing, good job!


As you haven't played much, you might not realized this, but the dash is intended to be a complementary mechanic and it's almost never required, also it would break the leve design if you could dash in the air all the time; however, you can actually dash in the air using the super dash. Removing the jump button would be a little too drastic, it would require me changing the level design a lot, if you play more, you might realize that. I'm glad you had fun playing the game tho!


me sorprende que el menú este en español.

El  juego está traducido al tres idiomas, y se puede cambiar el idioma en las opciones. Gracias por jugar :)

no cambie el idioma, así que asumo que se cambio por alog del programa

Es automático, pero se puede cambiar manualmente también. 

La demo 2 ya salió, y está en Steam si lo quiere jugar allá:


Nice game! Any plans for a Linux build, not sure how well GameMaker handles that.

Glad you like it! Sorry, I need Linux to make a Linux version, I would 100% do it if I have a resources tho. 

No worries. I asked since I was having issues getting gamepad to work in browser. I figured out what the issue was, was something on my end, not the game.

Glad you figured it out, the browser versions are a bit completed to make in Gamemaker.

(1 edit)

A rating would appreciated, btw. Thanks for playing.

(1 edit)

I left a rating. Well deserved 5 stars. Short but very enjoyable!

Nice, that's a good time, I think I should add my records in the game's page so people feel challenged xd. 

That’s a neat idea. What’s your time?

Sorry for the late respond.

I made a linux version some time ago, if you want to try it and tell me how it runs, let me know :)


Very Nice



I have had the privilege of watching the development of this game almost since the beginning. It's really incredible watching how far this game has come, and I can honestly say that it was a blast being able to play it.

This game derives its inspiration from Metal Storm, one of the many obscure gems of the NES released long ago that never quite got the attention it deserved. Gravity Storm derives its mechanic from this game to create different puzzles and challenges that keep the gameplay fresh.

I played the game on Hard mode, and my impression is that the challenge felt a bit uneven at points - many places didn't feel harder than Normal, while a few sections were definitely a bit challenging. I think this mode could have benefited from things like enhanced enemy AI as opposed to just more damage. But I didn't just blast through the levels - there was some solid coordination between controls required to succeed, which made for a fun challenge.

This game sits at a solid 4.5 stars - the only thing that holds it back from a full 5 stars for me are some minor details like an occasional typo, a few sprites that feel unfinished (such as the explosion animations), the single music track that plays in all the levels, and the short length. I do think that the gravity mechanic could have been utilized just a bit more - think zones where gravity changes/reduces, or enemies that use gravity switching as a mechanic as well for more challenge. But these are quite minor overall - Gravity Storm is an awesome game that I would definitely recommend to other people. I know Jampley is making a sequel, and I can't wait to see what comes out of that.

Thank you for your review :)



Good game, crunchy short experience with simple platform shooting mechanics.


Was a really enjoyable experience, very polished with a nice graphical update. Will look forward to if we see more from Gravity Storm, Id love a full game of this. Keep working at it! 


It's very good, the only thing that has some bugs, like when you pass the level you still have the health of the previous level, but other than that it's very good

(3 edits)

Actually, it is intended to work that way xd, I just never thought it was an issue because you can always get health pick-ups. I guess I can change it if enough people complain about it, but the game is supposed to take place in a single location without actual breaks in between. Thanks for playing!!!




too easy 10/10

I'll make it harder for you! Thank you tho.