Culebramanía, A Game I thought I Would Never Release

Culebramania is a snake game where you can change the visuals, enjoy some classic gameplay, and play against friends locally. Over a year ago, after making a bunch of messy unfinished projects, I was feeling incompetent and angry because I was not able to finish a videogame, I was never able to finish many things in my life for that matter. I decided to finally make a complete project, it was going to be a snake game, and I thought it would be easy. I was wrong. 

At first, I was very excited, I was having fun coding, and I loved the design of the snake I came up with: pixelart, black and white, and simple. I even use it as my profile picture, and my logo, it represents a lot of what defines my personality and believes, but I won't get into details about that as details can get very personal. So it turns out a snake game isn't as beginner friendly as I initially thought because keeping track of all the positions of the different segments of the snake is quite confusing and complicated, especially if you don't even know how to use arrays (important programming stuff). The first version of Culebramanía was a buggy mess that I didn't know how to fix. It didn't help that I didn't want to bite the bullet and learn some fundamental programming concepts nor follow any tutorial because I just thought everything was too complicated. In reality, I was just lazy and impatient, and at the end, I decided to cancel Culebramania, and gave up. I felt like a failure because I couldn't handle a simple snake game. 

I started using Discord, watching more tutorials and meeting other game developers, which gave me a better prospective of what programming actually was. At some point, I started to make my main project Gravity Storm, which I felt passionate about. During this period, I learned so much, even the basics of other programming languages and how to make games without game engines, this gave me a better understanding of how videogames actually work. 

The development of my main project Gravity Storm got a bit harder with the inclusion of new mechanic and outside problems that made me delayed Gravity Storm's release 4 months. At this point, I really needed some extra money and a way to distract myself, so I revisited some old projects, and here is where I started working on Culebramania again. It was way easier this time, I even added features that I thought imposible back then like graphical customization, or a music mode to listen to the soundtrack (shoutouts to Vicctre Tamaj for composing the music). I somehow ended up completing Culebramanía, my canceled first finished game. So I actually completed a videogame, I am able to do it, and it feels nice. 

Thanks for reading, and if you played Culebramania, I hope you had fun.

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Deleted 8 days ago



nice to see you finally put this game out! Its pretty fun, and I'm happy to have contributed the music to this project as well. keep up the great work 


Thank you, man, your work is appreciated.


Oh, so that's where the logo comes from.



Congratulations, man! I've watched you work on this game and shape it into what it is now, and it fills me with happiness to watch you complete and release it!


Thank you for all your support, man.


I'm glad to have been there to support you along the way. Keep up the good work, and don't ever lose hope!